Our tomatoes are (so far, knock on wood) free of the late blight that has been plaguing the east coast, but the fruit is still green because it's been so cool and wet.
The flower row.
We're growing three varieties of cucumber, this is a pickling cucumber.
An edible flower, yum!
We've been getting some nice two pound heads of broccoli from this later variety.
We grow flowers in the garden mainly to attract beneficial insects (known as "beneficials"). We also sell the most perfect ones in bunches at market, and give them to our CSA members.
The chickens are being sent to the butcher tonight. The way they walk in the tall grass is funny and awkward.
All in all things are going well, we're getting a good harvest. It's been tiring and busy lately. I'm still enjoying myself and looking forward to the rest of the season.
KAyla! I just looked at your blog tonight and I love it and you so much I could cry! It's SO beautiful, I love your photos and your writing, i love what you are doing and I LOVE that you love what you are doing! You're utterly amazing. Mucho love.